Saturday, October 10, 2009

Seriously, how do you title a story like this one?

When most people ask how Cameron's doing I'll always make it a point to say, "he's still nosy".

Inquisitive, taking in the world, always wanting to be in the loop.

Call it what you want, my son is down right nosy.

Not sure where he got that trait from, hmmmm.

Being so inquisitive has led him to mimicking as well.

He's gone from mimicking noises, gestures, rubber neck syndrome & now this.

Last night we got home a tad late from daycare (read: I talked too long with Ruth).

We usually take out his red push car & walk all around the neighborhood.

Since we were already running late I decided to just carry Cameron.

We walked over to the poop zone.

Sadie is a poop champ. She doesn't put on a show, just takes care of business.

Oscar on the other hand is a PITA.

I mean, he needs coaching. :D

I'm usually quite patient w/his song & dance.

You can't look at him, he has to sniff over every inch 3x over, circles 3,423x then when you finally think he's going for it, he hears a noise & the process starts all over again.


I'll usually yell out, "POOP! OSCAR POOOOOOOOOOP!!!"

I am fully aware the neighbors peak out their window & judge.

I know & accept this.

But, I live w/freak dog & can yell if I please.

So, it didn't matter to Oscar that it was getting dark & Cameron needed his bath.

After pleading I finally told Cameron, "Tell Oscar to go poop."

Funny enough he started yelling out toward Oscar, da a-daaaaa!

So, here I am saying poop! Poooooooop, go poo poo!

And what do I feel?

Cameron bracing down.

He was bracing down, red in the face & grunting.

My son was trying to poop.

I've heard of sympathy pain, but he was taking it just a bit too far.


  1. LOL! That's fantastic. One big step toward potty training maybe?? ;)

  2. Best story ever! First step towards getting him to poop on command! Job well done ;)
