Sunday, October 25, 2009

Baby Rule #3

Do not question the love a boy has for his ball.

It's become bit routine to "check out" a toy from daycare.

Cameron picks out one (whichever one he plays with the most that week) and we return it the following week.

We've had big toy truck, xylophone alligator, ball with toy hamster inside, tambourine, small toy truck, toy that had spinning get the idea.

Well Thursday night I went to pick up the Cheese & what did I find?
He was playing with the room beach ball, hmm.

Miss Ruth said the first day she brought it in for beach day, Cameron was scared of it.

So scared, he would cry if it got too close to him. :(

But over time & I'm sure watching everyone else have fun with it, he's grown to love it too.

What a wonderful story right?

It's great, really it is.

Cameron put the ball back, we're not taking the huge beach ball home.

Note to self: Do not try to take beach ball away from Cameron.

So, as comical as we looked I placed Cameron in his carseat & he held onto the ball.

I was too busy saying, "are you kidding me? we're taking the beach ball?" to take a picture.

As soon as we came home he went straight for his new toy & well, had a ball. ;)
This is my ball Oscar, you can look at it but don't touch. Matter of fact, stop looking.
Mama, cross out Infant & put Cameron.
Ok mama, I'm going to throw it to you & you throw it back.

See, wasn't that fun?! Now let's do it 1,432 more times!
As usual, Friday was daddy & bebe day.

When I walked through the door Paul told me all about Cameron's love for the beach ball.

Yeah, I think he likes it just a tad.

Paul even surprised me with a video to show proof.

It has a Blair Witch vibe, but it was sweet that Paul thought to record & share with me.

Ahh, to be that content with a 99 cent ball. :)


  1. Aww! Wait until he discovers empty boxes. Oh the joys!

    Love the video, especially the soundtrack, hehe :)

  2. ** note to self** by C a 99 cent store blow up ball for his bday

  3. I see a star athelete in the making, that is if there was a beach ball event in the olympics :) Too cute!

  4. He looks like he is so ready to crawl to go get it. That boy is going to be running circles around you before too long :) and :(

  5. Wait a minute didn't want to take beach ball? They deflate & then you can inflate them. But I bet you had a blast putting it in your car. haha
