Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cameron Fans

I had this fantastic idea regularly responding to each comment via post.

You take the time to comment, I should show some love back.


It's the thought that counts right?

Giggle Fest:

Thanks ladies! It cracks us up every time.

Evening: Brilliant! Once I figure out how to bottle sound I will send you 33% of the profits. :D

Baby Rule #1:

Thankfully he's feeling 99% better. He woke up once last night, but that was for a bottle. Chunk.


Noush: You seriously made my day. No, week. No, no YEAR!

Grandma J: I couldn't have put it better myself!


  1. who? me? **blushing**

    Seriously though love the little C man!

  2. You must have been sleep walking because I know Paul must have been saying "Love You" not Da Da Silly Ma Ma
    Even with all that hard daddy work I could hear distinctly "Ma Ma" even with that thick Arizona accent
